A New Path For Learning
For Jenna Binnie, education has always been more than just a profession - it’s been a personal journey of discovery, challenge, and, ultimately, transformation.
Having spent 12 years working across different age groups and school deciles, Jenna has seen firsthand the gaps in traditional education. But it wasn’t until she faced those gaps in her own child’s schooling experience that her vision for Enrichment Studio began to take shape.
Like many parents navigating the complexities of modern education, Jenna found that the standard school system wasn’t the right fit for her eldest child. Homeschooling seemed like the next best option, but after a year, it became clear that it wasn’t quite right either.
The experience, however, solidified an idea that had been growing inside her for over a decade - an alternative education model that blended the best aspects of both traditional schooling and homeschooling, offering children a more personalised, supportive learning environment.
Enrichment Studio was created not just for children with learning challenges, but also for those who thrive in a smaller, more nurturing environment with plenty of time outdoors, and for parents seeking something unique for their family. With small student-teacher ratios of 1:10, independent learning programmes, and a peaceful, idyllic setting nestled among a citrus orchard in Algies Bay, the school provides a space where children can flourish academically, socially, and emotionally.
In addition to its unique approach, Enrichment Studio offers the Arrowsmith Program, which is designed to address cognitive weaknesses and strengthen the brain rather than simply accommodating or scaffolding learning difficulties such as dyslexia, ADHD, auditory processing delays, and global developmental delays. Having witnessed the transformative impact of this program, Jenna firmly believes in its potential.
Jenna grew up with undiagnosed dyslexia, struggling in school and often feeling lost in an environment that wasn’t designed for her learning style. “In some ways, I’m creating the solution I needed as a child,” she shares. “I want my children, and the children who enter our space, to be spared some of the difficulties I faced.”
Beyond academics, Jenna believes the work being done at Enrichment Studio has far-reaching effects. Many children who struggle with reading, focus, and learning in traditional settings experience a loss of self-confidence and develop limiting beliefs about their value. By providing an alternative, Enrichment Studio isn’t just educating children - it’s fostering resilient, confident individuals who can contribute positively to their communities.
For children aged 5 to 12, Enrichment Studio offers a much-needed alternative to traditional education. And for Jenna, it represents something even greater: a chance to rewrite the learning experience, not just for her own children, but for all those who need it most.
www.EnrichmentStudio.com | jenna@EnrichmentStudio.com