Explore the great outdoors

In the heart of New Zealand's captivating landscapes, adventure meets tranquillity through an array of nature-based activities and immersive social experiences. Social Nature Movement has something for everyone, from luxury glamping experiences to bioluminescence kayaking tours, the outdoor adventures for you to enjoy in and around our region are endless.

Imagine waking up amidst the serene beauty of nature, surrounded by plush beds and stylish furnishings - all within the cosy confines of a spacious glamping tent. Social Nature Movement offers a unique opportunity to indulge in a luxurious camping experience. Placed strategically in picturesque locations, these tents provide a retreat with breathtaking views right at your doorstep.

Embark on a mesmerising adventure with Social Nature Movement's bioluminescence kayaking tour. As night falls and you paddle through the calm waters of Auckland, tiny organisms in the water create a soft, ethereal glow, leaving a trail of shimmering light in your wake. This guided tour takes you to remote and unspoiled locations, where you can immerse yourself in the magical beauty of this natural phenomenon.

Stand-up paddleboarding along Lucas Creek offers a peaceful yet adventurous experience. Glide along the calm waters, eventually reaching a stunning waterfall - a rewarding finale to your outdoor adventure. Explore waterways, stay active, and immerse yourself in the natural beauty of our local landscapes.

For thrill-seekers, Ti Point offers an exhilarating rock climbing experience amidst rugged cliffs and stunning natural surroundings. With expert guidance, climbers of all levels can safely ascend the cliffs while taking in panoramic views of the landscape.

Combine kayaking and cultural exploration on a guided tour along the scenic Puhoi River. Paddle through picturesque waterways, immersing yourself in the lush landscapes of New Zealand. The tour culminates at the historic Puhoi Pub, where you can soak in the local hospitality and refreshments.

Escape the city lights and delve into the wonders of the night sky with Social Nature Movement's stargazing tours. Whether you're an amateur astronomer or a novice, New Zealand's dark skies provide the perfect canvas for observing constellations, planets, and celestial events. It's a humbling experience that brings you closer to the cosmos and offers a unique perspective on our place in the universe.

Which outdoor adventure will you choose? Learn more about the magical escapades waiting for you.



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