Second nature by Healthy Kelsi

With a well established social media following, a bestselling cookbook and an app under her belt, find out the latest endeavour of local recipe developer, Kelsi Boocock.

Kelsi started her food blog, Healthy Kelsi, in 2020 during the first covid lockdown. Her and her partner, Andrew, were meant to head off overseas travelling for the next few years. Having recently finished a business degree she ended up leaning in a different direction, starting up an Instagram page ‘Healthy Kelsi’ where she shares lots of recipes, wellness tips and her wholesome life in New Zealand.

Healthy Kelsi was intended to be a personal project, striving to help people find a balance with health, wellness, exercise, mindfulness and enjoyment. But over the last few years Kelsi has grown the blog into her full time job, with over 400,000 collective social media followers, cookbooks, an app and now her newest venture, Second Nature protein powder.

The idea for a protein powder came from her followers. She was getting asked hundreds of times a day what powder she used. But with her own criteria of delicious, all- natural, plant-based, and great for baking, she struggled to find a product she could happily recommend.

At that point, Kelsi and co-founder Andrew realised the only way to endorse a product that ticked all the boxes, was to make one. One without any nasties, additives, thickeners or sugar. “The process of formulating a protein powder was very daunting at first”, says Kelsi. It’s actually the main reason she’s put off creating her own product for so long, saying “I wasn’t really sure where to start.”

Fortunately the pair have a friend whose experience with sourcing ingredients helped them greatly when testing and retesting different flavour combinations. After a lot of back and forth and extensive testing, a pea protein was chosen as the base, with minimal ingredients added to keep the formulation clean and natural.

As a high-quality protein source that’s easily digestible, pea protein is suitable for any holistic health seeker no matter their dietary requirements. Firm believers that being healthy isn’t about limitations or fad diets, and instead is about fuelling your body and having fun, Kelsi and Andrew are excited to help you do that too.

Second Nature protein powder will be available from 15 October. |


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